
ChemCuration 2020

ChemCuration (#chemcur2020) is the second one day, online-only conference around data curation and curated data in the domain of chemistry, after ChemCuration 2019. Inspired by BioCuration and by other online conferences, this year will mark the first edition of a Twitter-based online poster conference. During the day, you will tweet your poster with the meeting hashtag and respond to questions about the poster in the 24 hours after your tweet. The poster must be available in an online repository (e.g. Zenodo or Figshare) under the CCZero, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA license.

The meeting scope: anything around data curation and curated data of open science data in chemistry. This includes but is not limited to:

Date and Venue

ChemCuration 2020 will take place on Wednesday December 16 2020. The venue is Twitter [1].

More soon

The 2020 edition is being planned, and we’ll let you know more as soon as possible.

Conference Organisers

Being established, to be announced.

Scientific Committee

Being established, to be announced.


  1. Ekins S, Perlstein EO. Ten simple rules of live tweeting at scientific conferences. PLoS computational biology. 2014 Aug;10(8):e1003789+. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003789